Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Week 8: Reading Review

I have really enjoyed the readings for this class. I like reading the epics and seeing longer stories all play out together, but I also enjoyed the week when I chose to do Un-textbook reading. That was a nice break and there were very different stories in that unit than I we read in the required epics. While I have always read a lot for fun, I haven't read many classical epics, such as we read in this class, except for a couple from ancient Greece.

For the reading diaries, I mainly talk about stories (for the Un-textbook readings) or sections (of the epics readings) that I particularly liked or found interesting. Because of this, my reading diaries and storytelling posts often overlap. It's very rare that I write a storytelling post that I didn't mention in the reading diary because I have usually thought about those stories (or sections of stories) a little more.

For me the reading diaries are useful to be able to look back on to remember details from previous weeks readings, but they are also useful to think more about aspects of the stories of that week. That is very helpful to me when doing the storytelling assignments.

The main suggestion I have for readings in this class is to read the reading guide for the epics at the same time you are reading the epics themselves. I think I understand the stories much better when I read both together and it's much easier to follow along with the characters and plot. I would also suggest taking advantage of the Un-textbook options when they come up, because you can get some very interesting and different stories than you read in the required epics.
(Bharata and Rama)

1 comment:

  1. The reading diaries are so helpful. I love to go through mine and other’s to get ideas for a story. It’s a good place to keep all your thoughts throughout your reading. I often get a little spark from the reading and it turns into a crazy story. The un-textbook options really are cool. It is so nice to find something a little random that I would never come across otherwise.
