Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Week 1: Introduction

Hi, everyone. My name is Kelsey and I’m a junior at OU. I’m majoring in Professional Writing and minoring in Religious Studies and Anthropology. I don’t plan on doing much with my minors after I graduate, but I love learning about other cultures and religions. Also I think knowing about others will help me in my writing.  

I’m originally from Fruita, Colorado, which is a little town close to the Colorado/Utah boarder, although my family recently moved to Cheyenne, Wyoming.  When I’m not at OU I live with my parents and my little brother. Our family has three dogs, Bonnie, Kirby and Maggie, and two guinea pigs, Sophie and Paige.
Photo taken by me. These are our dogs. From left to right: Bonnie, Kirby, Maggie.
As for other hobbies, I love read and write. I read and write a lot of different genres and kinds of books. However I don’t read or watch any horror. I’m a chicken. I read Stephen King once and barely slept for days. Same goes for horror movies. Right now I'm going through the Game of Thrones book series and the Divergent book series. 

I also like TV shows a lot. There are quite a few shows I follow regularly. My favorites right now are Doctor Who, Sherlock, Supernatural, Game of Thrones, and NCIS, but there are others I still watch often. I also like they YouTube community. I often watch the Vlogbrothers, Grace Helbig, Hannah Hart, Mamrie Hart, Emma Blackery, Connor Franta, etc.  

Three of my favorite YouTubers, Grace Helbig, Hannah Hart, and Mamrie Hart.
Photo by Micheal Dunn Wikimedia Commons.
When we lived in Colorado we would hike and fish some, which I really enjoyed. In Colorado we lived in a high desert valley, so the mountains were only a 20 minute drive away. Since moving to Cheyenne we haven't been able to do those things as often. My brother and I both like history. We often go to historic sites and museums together, particularly during the summers. Cheyenne has many interesting museums and historical sites.

Photo taken by me. Cheyenne Historical Train Depot
I’m looking forward to the Epics of India class this semester and getting to know all of you from your blogs. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hi again, Kelsey! That Cheyenne picture with the rainbow is so fabulous! My husband used to live in Wyoming (Laramie)... and I think he would like to move back there. I guess it really is beautiful! But then he tells me stories about the cold, like the firefighters who had to go fight a fire earlier this week in Dubois, in 20-below weather, and the water froze to them so that they were encased in ice; they had to be chipped out of the ice so they could then go back out and try to fight the fire.... Now, to me, that is a "Winter is coming!" moment worthy of Games of Thrones. I can do zero degrees (barely)... but not 20 below!!!

  2. I'm an anthropology major who has had religious studies as a minor at one point. I was raised baptist, but am agnostic and I love learning about every religion there possibly could ever have been :) and I love Stephen King and Supernatural ... I might try to persuade you into giving SK another try :)

  3. Kelsey,

    I am seriously impressed with your majors and minors! That must be a pretty intensive workload. But all those subjects interest me as well, so I can understand why you love them so much! How does professional writing differ from, say, an English or Journalism major? I've never been much of a creative writer, however I do feel I write academic paper relatively well!

    I've been to Colorado once, to Arvada. It is so beautiful there, with the mountains in the background wherever you go, you feel constantly like you're in nature! I would love to live there someday. I'm from Massachusetts - we don't have as many mountains, but beautiful forests and hilly woods. I miss it a lot sometimes. Oklahoma is such a different culture and environment, but too have grown to love it very much! The history it offers is great, and I've never been surrounded by so much Native American culture.

    That's great that you spend so much time with your brother! I have five siblings. Although we did not always get along, I've found that as we got older, we came to appreciate our time together more. Is he close to your age?

    Those are all great shows that you're into! My sister and brother are obsessed with "Doctor Who" - I think I'd like it if I ever got into it! I've seen the first episode of "Sherlock" but haven't finished the seasons yet. I'm afraid I'll get to the end and then want to watch more, but they haven't come out with the next season yet! But Benedict Cumberbatch makes a perfect Sherlock (dare I say it, better than Robert Downey Jr.?). And Martin Freeman is an amazing actor. I thought he was the perfect comic relief in "The Hobbit"!

    1. Hi Christina! I also love Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock. However , it is extremely difficult waiting a year or more for a season that lasts three episodes!

      In a lot of ways professional writing is like a combination of the journalism and English majors. We take the same prerequisites as the journalism majors except in our major classes we focus almost solely on creative writing. Unlike English majors, we don't spend much time on classic literature and we don't do much heavy analyzing. We focus on modern books and stories and the writing techniques they use to make them successful (or unsuccessful in some cases). The emphasis is often on writing things for different modern markets to be able to hopefully make a living as a writer without being in news or journalism (although we are prepared for that a some in our other classes as well). There are also professional writing classes that focus on magazine writing and TV/movie script writing so that is another aspect that differs from English majors. It's really and interesting major with a unique focus that I haven't seen in many other universities.

    2. Ahh, I see the difference now! Probably wouldn't be good for me - I am awful at creative writing. I'm definitely more into a reading an analyzing sorties, especially the older ones! But I've been getting more and more into modern writing. Sounds like a very useful major, though!

  4. Hi, Kelsey! I think it's neat that you lived in Colorado. I'm from the Denver area, and I love to do day-trips to the mountains. And Western Colorado is beautiful. I'd like to see more of it. I drove through Cheyenne over winter break, driving north to see family in North Dakota. I wish I could have stopped longer. That's such a cool-looking train depot. I hope you have a great semester!

  5. Hello Kelsey!
    My name is Anthony! Your dogs are awesome! My close friend has one that is like Bonnie! They are definitely my favorite type of dogs. I think it is funny that you are afraid of horror movies and things, because I am too! However, I can tolerate some. Have you seen the show "The Walking Dead" It is my favorite!

    1. I keep meaning to watch The Walking Dead but haven't had the time yet. It's one of my roommate's favorite shows, though, so I often see an episode or a part of one in passing when new episodes are airing.

  6. Kelsey, I applaud you for taking on two minors just because you want to learn more about them. I have always wanted to learn more about anthropology, but I have never had the time. Like you, I love Doctor Who, Sherlock, Supernatural, and Game of Thrones. Can you believe that in the UK they’re going to build a Doctor Who and Sherlock styled theme park? I am also like you and I am a chicken when it comes to anything related to horror, so it took me a while to get into Supernatural. I still can’t watch many of the episodes at night, or when I am home alone.

    1. Hi Lynze! It also took me a while to get into Supernatural! The first episode in particular took me a few tries to get through. A couple of the episodes, especially from the first and second season, still freak me out sometimes! And I'm so excited about the Doctor Who and Sherlock theme park! I've always wanted to go to the UK and that will definitely be on my list to go to once its done!

  7. Hey! I'm an anthro minor too! I've finished all my classes for anthro though, so now I've been filling my electives with WGS classes. I LOVE the holy trinity! Have you read Grace's or Hannah's books yet? I haven't found Hannah's yet, but I know the B&N in Norman has a few copies of Grace's Guide. So great to find fellow fans of the three :) I also love Sherlock and Doctor Who as well! I used to watch Supernatural, but it got so long-winded that I couldn't keep up. Maybe I'll pick it back up over a break or something. Best of luck on your classes this semester!

  8. Professional Writing sounds like a very interesting major and one that will be extremely beneficial for this class. Also, I am a big Colorado fan so I can only imagine what it was like getting to grow up their and live so close to the mountains to have the ability to go hiking and camping whenever you want. Some of my favorite experiences were on the Colorado camping trips i have been on. I look forward to reading your writings throughout the rest of the year!

  9. Hey Kelsey! First off, your dogs are absolutely precious! And second, you're a Game of Thrones fan! I always get excited when I find people who follow the show or books. Also, I really like how you're interested in religion and are minoring in that. I personally love learning about religions and had I known, I would have minored in that when I first started college, though I guess I still could do so. I definitely can relate with you about seeing historical places. I have a brother too, and we both are history nerd, him more than me but I'd love to know about some of the places you've visited!

  10. Hey Kelsey!

    I am so excited you have lived in Colorado! It really is crazy how much we can miss those beautiful mountains. I love your doggies. They are so cute.
    I love to read also (I am currently reading the third and final book in The Raven Cycle called Blue Lily, Lily Blue. It’s a teen series, but it’s been a good read). I also cannot handle any horror. I start freaking myself out quite a bit. NCIS is great! I could watch that all day long.
    It was very nice to get to know you a little better! I’m sure we will continue to be in contact on our blogs.

  11. Hi, Kelsey! I think that those who grew up in an area like Colorado which is so abundant in outdoor activities are blessed! I had the chance to travel to Gunnison, CO and I had a blast. I also enjoy things like fishing and hiking. Have you ever happened to come across a bear while out and about in Colorado? My friend’s family who I stayed with during my trip to Colorado encountered bears nearly once a month (yikes).

  12. Hi there! I’m also a junior and I am actually a Religious Studies major! Do you have a favorite professor from the RELS department, from any classes you have taken? My favorite professor is David Vishanoff, the Islamic Studies professor. If you haven’t taken a course with him yet, I highly recommend him! Professional Writing and Anthropology both sounds awesome, too. I really enjoy writing, which is one of the reasons I have enjoyed this class so far.

  13. Hi Kelsey! I am really jealous that you grew up in Colorado. I seriously love that state so much. Boulder is my favorite city, but I feel like it's probably everyone's. It just has such a good feel to it! I also recently met a lot of people from Wyoming. I have never been, but now that I have contacts there I would love to visit! I hope this semester is going well for you.

  14. Hi Kelsey, first of all, I am so happy to meet another YouTube addict like myself. I love Grace Helbig, Hannah, and Mamrie. Have you ever heard of “The Most Popular Girls in School?” It’s a web series and all of them have been guests on it. It is stop motion with dolls and features some crude and blatant disgusting humor. You may not like it, but I would recommend it. Well, good luck this semester.

  15. Hello Kelsey!

    Nice to 'meet' you :)

    I started out as a professional writing major with a philosophy minor! I switched to liberal studies my junior year though, because I didn't want to get stuck in one discipline and felt that I could easily burn out on writing if it were my career. But Gaylord is a great college to be in! And I bet your minors are fascinating!

    I enjoy reading and writing too! I used to LOVE horror books when I was in middle school. I loved R.L. Stine's Fear Street Saga & the Fear Street series. But they weren't super horrific, lol. I honestly never read a Stephen King novel, but I've seen many movies based on them. I'm sure the books are even creepier! I am definitely not into horror anymore, excepting the show American Horror Story.

    I would've loved to have grown up in Colorado and live in Wyoming! That is so awesome! You are very fortunate :)

    Good luck this semester and best wishes with your writing!

  16. Hello Kelsey! Wow, if you are a professional writing major I’m sure your stories are going to be awesome to read! That is awesome. Ironically, I have a minor in religious studies also, although I don’t plan on doing anything with that. Colorado is such a beautiful state. The picture of your dogs is adorable. I love all dogs. I am also a huge Game of Thrones fan so I imagine you and I would get along pretty well ☺

  17. Hi Kelsey! Wow how many people do you know that live in Wyoming. My step sister actually lives in Burns, Wyoming. It's like 45 minutes away from Cheyenne. Literally no one lives there so no worries if you have never heard of it! I love watching NCIS too. I record them so I've seen every single one. It's probably a problem. Your minor is a really interesting topic. The diversity of it will help you to succeed! I bet you will be surprised how that will help you to get a job where you talk about things that actually interest you as well! Good luck!

  18. Hey Kelsey!
    Professional writing is such a cool thing to study. I teetered with the idea of doing something like that because it is such a nice way to express your creativity and thought. Somehow I ended up in engineering, but I still love to write when I can. Your little doggies are so adorable. I can’t help but comment on them. They look like a rowdy, fun bunch.
    Good luck with your semester and good luck as you transition into your senior year!

  19. Hey Kelsey! Haha omgosh I am a chicken too! I don't like horror movies at all because I get nightmares or would constantly think about what I just read and watched then I will get paranoid! It happens to me every time I watch The Walking Dead and still I get the jitters when I see those ugly zombies. I think I had been to Colorado once but that was for snowboarding. I'm sure it is a great state though! Also I love Doctor Who, it is probably one of the greatest show. Your dogs are also really adorable!

  20. Hey Kelsey!
    I think it is awesome that you are a Professional Writing major. I am not very good at writing, so I love when people are actually really good at it! Your dogs are so cute! I love dogs. My family has five dogs right now, but we usually have about eight! I hope that your semester is going well!

  21. Hi Kelsey! It is so cool that you are a professional writing major! You are lucky that you get to continue taking classes with Mel! I loved intro last semester! Your three dogs are absolutely adorable! Colorado is so beautiful! You are so lucky that you got to grow up there! I have really enjoyed reading your stories throughout the semester!

  22. Hi, Kelsey! Oh my gosh your dogs are adorable! I have been wanting to get a puppy for a while now but will have to once I am finished with school. I’ve been reading the Game of Thrones series and it is so good! Just like the show, but better of course. The picture of the train depot is beautiful with the rainbow in the background. Colorado looks awesome. I definitely want to visit there sometime this summer. Hopefully the semester has been good to you so far.

  23. Hello Kelsey! Nice to meet you! You are so different from me in many ways, but that made your introduction more interesting. I think its cool that you have two minors which you are taking just to learn more about topics you like! I've never been to Colorado or Wyoming, but it sounds like its a lot of fun! I'm not a reader, but I heard game of thrones is really good!

  24. Kelsey, I love Colorado! My roommate is actually from Boulder, and she is moving back there when she graduates. I can't wait to go visit her! I also read the Divergent series a while back. What did you think of the ending? I watch Game of Thrones, but the books are a lot to take on--so good for you! Good luck with everything!
